November 27, 2019 5:04 am
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In the battery world, two of the main categories of batteries are those intended for consumer and industrial applications. But what exactly is the difference between them? Consumer batteries are designed for consumer products. When you’re using a cell phone, camera, watch or laptop computer, you’re using a product that’s operating on a consumer-grade battery, which is likely an alkaline, primary lithium or lithium-ion battery. These batteries tend to be easily accessible and on the more inexpensive side. Industrial batteries in Jefferson, WI, meanwhile, have much higher demands. They must be capable of surviving long-term usage in some particularly challenging... View Article
April 30, 2019 11:05 pm
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Industrial batteries in Jefferson, WI are an important aspect of your business. You may depend on your forklifts on a daily basis for moving product, and can’t afford to have your battery die on the job. If your forklift isn’t powered by fuel and instead uses an industrial battery in Jefferson, WI, you’ll want to keep your battery in top condition and look for these warning signs that your battery may be about to die, or is not operating at peak efficiency. Signs of battery degradation A worn-out battery could not only be powering your forklift inefficiently, but also be... View Article
December 28, 2018 7:52 pm
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You just purchased a new forklift battery less than two years ago, and you already need a new one. At $2,000 to $6,000 a pop, buying forklift batteries can quickly become a significant expense. Thankfully, a quality battery should last you about five years, but that’s only if you care for it properly. At Remis Power Systems Inc., your local source for industrial batteries in Jefferson, WI, our customers often ask us what they can do to get the most out of their batteries. After consulting our experts here, we’ve put together a list of four dos and don’ts for... View Article
November 21, 2018 3:42 am
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Do you use industrial batteries in Jefferson, WI? If so, then you know that they can sometimes be tricky to figure out. Especially if you do not have a lot of experience or firsthand knowledge of industrial batteries, trying to handle a problem or figure them out on your own can be quite overwhelming. Fortunately, you do not have to do it on your own. The experienced, helpful professionals at Remis Power Systems Inc. are here to help you navigate this sometimes thorny topic. Whether your industrial battery stops working, it is acting differently than it ought to or you... View Article
October 12, 2018 10:49 pm
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The technologies for batteries are constantly evolving, so when you pay a visit to your local battery dealer, you might be confused as to what you should be looking for—especially when there are so many options to consider. Therefore, it’s important you go to a battery dealer you can trust to provide you with detailed, accurate information about the various industrial batteries you are looking at so you can make a more informed decision. Here are some design factors to keep in mind when choosing the right industrial batteries for your needs. As a longtime industrial battery supply in Jefferson,... View Article