Author Archives for admin

Tips on Changing a Forklift Battery Safely

May 8, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

With advanced technology, forklifts use powered batteries instead of gas or fuel. The use and popularity of battery-powered forklifts are increasing across various industrial sectors due to their massive benefits to the environment. Forklifts batteries provide extended running periods, reduce harmful emissions, and shorten recharging times. However, several hazards are associated with forklift batteries, particularly during the charging of batteries. Below, we will discuss how to change a forklift battery safely, including several tips for changing forklift batteries. Wear Proper Gear or Clothing  This is one of the most vital aspects for anyone intending to change a forklift battery. As... View Article

Common Forklift Accidents and Why They Happen

May 8, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When it comes to the most common forklift accidents, operators and owners are often surprised to see things like forklift battery maintenance making the top of the list. There are some surprising ways that forklifts can become dangerous when improperly operated.  The causes of most forklift accidents range from maintenance issues to operator error. The best way to prevent a forklift accident is to make sure safety measures are taken and that your forklifts are routinely repaired.  Here’s what the team at Remis Power Systems wants you to know about forklift safety.  1. Accidents Caused by Poor Maintenance  The most... View Article

Top Forklift Safety TIps

May 8, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Forklifts are needed to manage effective business operations quickly and efficiently. However, quality safety protocols can be the difference between a severe injury or having the day go off without a hitch. Unfortunately, many injuries occur by not following simple and effective safety measures. Safety compliance keeps you and everyone at your workplace safer and more efficient. Learn about forklift safety tips for the workplace below. Inspect the Equipment You should always do safety checks before preparing to operate a forklift. Check different operational items such as the brakes, controls and steering to ensure everything is working correctly. You should always inform... View Article

5 Factors That Affect the Efficiency of Industrial Batteries

April 21, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When choosing a battery, most people will ask: what is the efficiency of the battery?  Battery efficiency refers to the ratio of energy input to energy output. The output energy is always less than the input energy. Nevertheless, there are factors affecting battery performance. Measurement of a Battery’s Energy Efficiency The energy efficiency of a battery can be measured using two methods: voltage efficiency and Coulombic efficiency (CE). The voltage efficiency of a battery is the voltage difference between when it is charging and when discharging; this difference is produced by what is called over-potential.  Coulombic efficiency measures the transmission of electrons during charging and... View Article

How Internal Resistance Affects Industrial Battery Performance

April 21, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The capacity of a battery doesn’t tell its full story because a perfect battery must deliver all the stored energy effectively. There is no perfect battery in the real world because no battery can give the entirety of its stored battery due to factors like internal resistance. However, batteries with lower internal resistance typically perform better than those with higher resistance. So What Is Internal Resistance in Batteries? In simple terms, internal resistance can be described as the "gatekeeper" of batteries. The internal resistance will hinder voltage delivery and determine the battery’s runtime. The internal resistance of a battery is... View Article