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Tips for Cleaning Your Batteries

June 14, 2019 2:43 am Published by Leave your thoughts

You probably know how important it is for you to keep the exteriors of your vehicles and equipment clean. Clearing away dirt and grime can help a vehicle or a piece of machinery operate more efficiently, and can help to prevent rust and corrosion from setting in. But have you also considered just how beneficial it can be to clean certain components that might not be quite so prominent? Cleaning equipment batteries, for example, is an extremely important step in helping your equipment maximize its useful, efficient life. What’s great is that you can get this task done using items... View Article

What You Should Know About Columbia ParCar Maintenance in Jefferson, WI

June 3, 2019 10:41 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Summer is just about here, meaning it’s time for you to hit the links once again (after you’ve gotten your swing back in shape at the driving range, of course). At Remis Power Systems Inc., we are proud to be a Columbia ParCar golf cart dealer, and also offer service on all Columbia ParCar products. If you own a golf cart, or run a golf course and want to make sure your carts are all in great condition for the start of the summer, now’s the time to schedule your routine Columbia ParCar maintenance in Jefferson, WI. Here are just... View Article

Tips for Maintaining Your Industrial Batteries and Industrial Battery Parts in Jefferson, WI

May 20, 2019 10:41 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Heavy-duty industrial batteries that you might find in forklifts or other vehicles in warehouses or industrial facilities will require some ongoing maintenance to make sure you’re able to maximize their useful life. Here’s a quick overview of some of the maintenance you’ll need to perform on your industrial batteries and industrial battery parts in Jefferson, WI to ensure you keep them in good operating condition for many years to come. Adding water The electrolyte solution you find inside the battery cells features a mixture of pure (distilled) water, sulfuric acid and various other additives. During regular usage, some of this... View Article

Warning Signs That You Need a New Forklift Battery

April 30, 2019 11:05 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Industrial batteries in Jefferson, WI are an important aspect of your business. You may depend on your forklifts on a daily basis for moving product, and can’t afford to have your battery die on the job. If your forklift isn’t powered by fuel and instead uses an industrial battery in Jefferson, WI, you’ll want to keep your battery in top condition and look for these warning signs that your battery may be about to die, or is not operating at peak efficiency. Signs of battery degradation A worn-out battery could not only be powering your forklift inefficiently, but also be... View Article

How to Clean up Battery Acid Spills

April 16, 2019 11:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Battery spills are hazardous, especially when using high-powered battery systems in Jefferson, WI, such as the ones in commercial and industrial devices and machinery. Liquid and residue can cause serious harm to skin, clothes and other equipment, so it’s important to understand what type of battery you’re dealing with and avoid causing dangerous chemical reactions by using the wrong cleaning solution. Cleaning the equipment that was being used at the time may also be necessary. Read on for the steps you need to follow to safely clean up battery acid spills. Protect yourself The chemicals in batteries that leak out... View Article