June 11, 2022 12:00 am
Published by admin
Forklifts are specially designed vehicles that are used to move various items inside warehouses and factories. They help workers complete various tasks that are important to keep those aforementioned establishments organized. Given how often they are used, forklifts will also need to be recharged frequently. But how often should they be charged? Stay tuned and find out when you should charge your forklift so you can preserve its battery life better. How Often Should You Charge a Forklift Battery? As soon as you’re asked how often a forklift battery should be charged, you may instinctively answer that charging is required whenever... View Article
April 21, 2022 12:00 am
Published by admin
The capacity of a battery doesn’t tell its full story because a perfect battery must deliver all the stored energy effectively. There is no perfect battery in the real world because no battery can give the entirety of its stored battery due to factors like internal resistance. However, batteries with lower internal resistance typically perform better than those with higher resistance. So What Is Internal Resistance in Batteries? In simple terms, internal resistance can be described as the "gatekeeper" of batteries. The internal resistance will hinder voltage delivery and determine the battery’s runtime. The internal resistance of a battery is... View Article
April 21, 2022 12:00 am
Published by admin
When choosing a battery, most people will ask: what is the efficiency of the battery? Battery efficiency refers to the ratio of energy input to energy output. The output energy is always less than the input energy. Nevertheless, there are factors affecting battery performance. Measurement of a Battery’s Energy Efficiency The energy efficiency of a battery can be measured using two methods: voltage efficiency and Coulombic efficiency (CE). The voltage efficiency of a battery is the voltage difference between when it is charging and when discharging; this difference is produced by what is called over-potential. Coulombic efficiency measures the transmission of electrons during charging and... View Article
November 24, 2021 11:46 pm
Published by Writer
When battery acid spills, it can create a big mess—one that’s corrosive and hazardous. Knowing how to neutralize battery acid for disposal and clean it up safely is an important skill. Whether you use this knowledge at home or at work, it will come in handy more often than you might expect. Battery acid isn’t an acid. It’s actually an alkaline residue made with potassium hydroxide. Even though it’s not a true acid, it can still damage your eyes, burn your skin and harm your machinery and components. Cleaning up spilled or leaked battery acid is important for health and... View Article
January 15, 2021 5:21 pm
Published by Writer
Batteries power our modern world. From smartphone batteries to car batteries, there are few areas of our lives not affected by them, and the variety of batteries only increases with time. Battery types in Jefferson, WI fall under one of four categories: primary, secondary, industrial and vehicle. Here are a few examples of the top six types of batteries used in our tools and technology: Alkaline batteries: The most common and popular batteries fall under the primary classification. These are one-use, non-rechargeable batteries designed mainly for consumer applications. The type most familiar to you is likely alkaline batteries. If you... View Article