Categories for Forklift Batteries

What You Need To Know Before Buying A Forklift Battery

July 18, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

There are some essential things to know before buying a forklift battery You cannot just spend your money buying a battery without paying the necessary attention. You’ll end up wasting money, which is not the most appropriate way to spend your scarce resources. So, here’s what to know before buying forklift battery.  1. Battery Voltage Essentially, you need to know the voltage of your battery. The standard voltage is 12V, but there are also 6V and 24V batteries. Before making a purchase, you should know what voltage is required for your forklift. Buying a high voltage battery when a low voltage... View Article

The Dos and Don’t of Forklift Battery Maintenance

June 11, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

A forklift battery maintenance checklist is a great way to ensure your forklift batteries are always in top condition. By following this simple forklift battery maintenance guide, you can prolong the life of your batteries and avoid costly repairs. Here are forklift battery maintenance checklist. DOs Below are things you should do on a regular basis to properly maintain your industrial batteries for forklifts: Keep Forklift Batteries Clean and Free of Corrosion.  Regular cleaning will prevent the build-up of harmful acids and lengthen the battery life. This can be done by using a mild solution of baking soda and water.... View Article

Tips on Changing a Forklift Battery Safely

May 8, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

With advanced technology, forklifts use powered batteries instead of gas or fuel. The use and popularity of battery-powered forklifts are increasing across various industrial sectors due to their massive benefits to the environment. Forklifts batteries provide extended running periods, reduce harmful emissions, and shorten recharging times. However, several hazards are associated with forklift batteries, particularly during the charging of batteries. Below, we will discuss how to change a forklift battery safely, including several tips for changing forklift batteries. Wear Proper Gear or Clothing  This is one of the most vital aspects for anyone intending to change a forklift battery. As... View Article

Everything You Need to Know About Forklift Battery Chargers

February 4, 2022 3:33 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’ve ever charged a battery before, you’d probably imagine the process of charging an industrial forklift’s batteries would be a similarly straightforward task. When you notice the juice is getting low, pop the battery into your forklift battery charger for a while and then get back to work. What could go wrong? Unfortunately, things are a little more complicated than that. In order to get the most out of your industrial forklift battery’s lifespan, frequently recharging just won’t cut it. To improve charging efficiency and safety, as well as the longevity of each battery you buy, there are a... View Article

The Importance of Forklift Battery Maintenance

January 28, 2022 10:03 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Industrial battery maintenance should be a top priority in any industrial work environment, including warehouses. Forklifts are perhaps the most common piece of equipment used in a warehouse setting, and staying on top of forklift battery maintenance ensures the equipment will remain in good, usable condition long into the future. Here are a few best practices for forklift battery maintenance and why it’s so important to prioritize these tasks: Use proper equipment for moving and maneuvering the battery: Never attempt to move a battery by yourself—they are extremely heavy. Work with a partner and a walkie pallet jack equipped with... View Article