December 11, 2019 5:05 am
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Have you been starting to notice some of the telltale signs of battery failure in your vehicle? It may be time for you to replace your battery. If you have the necessary knowledge, this is a task you can take on yourself. Otherwise, you can absolutely have a professional vehicle technician make the switch for you. Once you have a new battery installed in your vehicle, you might be wondering how long your battery will last and what steps you can take to extend its life as long as possible so you can avoid having to invest in a new... View Article
November 27, 2019 5:04 am
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In the battery world, two of the main categories of batteries are those intended for consumer and industrial applications. But what exactly is the difference between them? Consumer batteries are designed for consumer products. When you’re using a cell phone, camera, watch or laptop computer, you’re using a product that’s operating on a consumer-grade battery, which is likely an alkaline, primary lithium or lithium-ion battery. These batteries tend to be easily accessible and on the more inexpensive side. Industrial batteries in Jefferson, WI, meanwhile, have much higher demands. They must be capable of surviving long-term usage in some particularly challenging... View Article
October 28, 2019 12:10 am
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You probably don’t think twice about your car’s engine firing up when you turn the key in the ignition, but if your car isn’t starting, your battery is probably the first thing that comes to mind. Whether your car has only had a malfunctioning battery for a short period of time or you have been experiencing frequent battery problems, it’s important to diagnose the issue and find a way to ensure that you get the highest quality performance possible from your battery and battery chargers in Jefferson, WI. Why is your car battery dying? There are a lot of different... View Article
October 14, 2019 12:10 am
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Car batteries are designed to stand up to adverse circumstances and weather conditions, but they can be damaged by exposure to extreme cold. It is much more difficult for car batteries to get started during the cold winter months, which means that it’s especially important to care for and protect vehicle battery systems in Jefferson, WI during this time of year. Read on for some essential tips to keep your car battery working the way it should all winter long. Cold weather and your car battery Car batteries contain carefully-balanced chemicals and components that work best under mild weather conditions... View Article
September 5, 2019 10:41 pm
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If you’re looking for a fast, convenient way to get around your farm, property or golf course, you’ve probably explored the possibility of purchasing a Columbia ParCar golf cart. These are extremely useful vehicles that can be used for both personal and commercial purposes. You may be wondering, however, whether you should plan to invest in an electric golf cart, or if a gas-powered ParCar is better suited for your needs. It’s important to know all about the benefits and drawbacks associated with a particular ParCar battery in Jefferson, WI before deciding which type of golf cart is right for... View Article